Monday 16 February 2015

1/4 of the vacant homes in Melbourne could house its homeless.

 I recently read an article written by Michael Janda and published on the ABC web site on the 5/11/2013 titled, “Report suggests thousands of vacant homes keeping Melbourne house prices high”.[1]

The article suggests that in 2012, about 64,000 homes in Melbourne use less than 50 litres of water a day, indicating they were vacant.

I then googled homelessness statistics for Melbourne.

According to the census in 2011, it was estimated that around 42 people in 10,000 were homeless in Melbourne. Given that the population was around 4 million, it means that approximately 16,800 people were homeless.

Let that sink in for a moment.
16,800 homeless
64,000 vacant homes

I imagine that there are similar statistics for capital cities all over the world.

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